
New Start.

Having just completed my first week of full time work I though I would write a post about it.

I set forth in my new and first career last Monday morning 8am, it was way to early really as we don't start work until 8.30 and it's only a ten minute walk through the village but I was pretty nervous which seems stupid now but anyway I wanted to get the start bit over and done with. When I got there because I was early, Peter, my boss to be was not there so I hung around the car park until he arrived. When he did eventually show up it was in a beat up old van and he got out and made me feel at ease immediately. I spent the rest of the day following round helping when asked but I was basically just finding my way around and learning how some of the routine jobs were to be done. We have spend a lot of time weeding, there are many weeds! Peter has been on his own since his last helper left back in May so from what he tells me he has found it a bit of a struggle to keep on top of things..

Yesterday was my first day at horticultural college which I have to attend one day a week as part of my three year course. I can't say that I enjoyed yesterday but I guess I will have to get used to it.

Anyway this is just the start, I will try and post on a regular basis from now on.

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